Bismuth Creative Writing

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  • To Learn the Way

    Ilemona had just got back from the market and was about to start preparing supper. The sun was going down and Baba would be back home soon. He didn't like it when he had to wait for his evening meal. She had to hurry. The little children in their family compound were playing with an old car tyre, taking turns to move it around with a stick while the older children where playing Whots. They had started to argue that Ocheja had cheated in the card game and they would have to start a new game. Ilemona

    • 1174 Words
    • 3 Pages
  • Waiting in the Unemployment Line

    I am standing in line for unemployment benefits. There must be between four hundred to six hundred others here with me. Everyone here is a locked out Steelworkers from the Kaiser Mead plant. I see many faces I know in the crowd. We are all here because the Washington State Unemployment office downtown cannot handle such a crowd. All the members were told by the Union that this was the day that we had to signup for a new benefit year. Everyone was told to meet at the Carpenter's hall just

    • 1004 Words
    • 3 Pages
  • I'm Not an Original

    I'm Not an Original I sat back in the Lazyboy, Raydog shotgunned the couch, Scott rummaged the refrigerator, and Mike laid in bed. He'd been out cold since 2 AM, Super Bowl Eve. We were slothing our way through the seven hour pregame: Super Bowl XXXII, the Houston Oilers vs. the Tampa Bay Buccaneers; the results of free-agency and team salary caps. "Seeger, you know anyone with a white mini van that has a picture of a house on the side?" Scott was leaning over the sink trying get a glimpse

    • 2319 Words
    • 5 Pages
  • The Molinarian Captain: A Narrative Fiction

    "Wake up! It's time to get a move on! Come on, you lazy slacker!", a soldier replied. I opened my eyes. I looked at the face of the Mogadorian Captain. "It's too early…" I started but was interrupted by the Captain, the Cap for short. "Shaddup! It's never too early, you lazy bum!! Now get a move on! We're doing a survivor check on the planet.",the Cap replied. I scrambled off the bed and into my guard outfit and emerged from the bunker. All I could see was an endless sea of gray.

    • 758 Words
    • 2 Pages
  • Creative Writing: Prison Break

    Prologue Something is odd. I overheard my parents discussing some rapid change in the government. News like this frightens me. It scares me because it is reality. It is real. Not knowing much about politics, I immediately ask them what is going on. There was a lump in my throat. But they quickly switch the topic to avoid the question, as if I didn't ask. I know they heard me. It makes me angry. I ask again, this time with a broad, stern voice. They both give each other a worried look. "Alexis

    • 1544 Words
    • 4 Pages
  • The Cave - Original Writing

    The Cave - Original Writing Averting attention had always been far too easy for Deft. Imperial transponder codes, too easy to attain, to forge... or have forged. "Commander Derivan, you have permission to proceed to sector 478. Please sir, do be careful, it is a savage world.", the comm officer pleaded. "Thank you for your concern officer, it is duly noted.", Deft arrogantly replied as he steered his Oppressor towards the planet. The small clearing was easy to see through the lush vegetation

    • 2478 Words
    • 5 Pages
  • My Father

    In my childhood years, my father taught me how to play baseball. I played shortstop and third base on a little league in Beirut, Lebanon, where we used to live before we moved back to Saudi Arabia. He never missed a game. He taught me how to ride a horse. The first horse we bought was named Princess. Riding in front of him in the leather Western style saddle, he would let me steer with the frayed, rawhide reins. He also taught me how to dance the waltz. I am still not very good at following, but

    • 1837 Words
    • 4 Pages
  • Descriptive Essay About Opening The Door

    I knew I didn't need to worry about opening the door partly because 1) She hates when someone opens the door for her and 2) She already had it open and was coming inside. Kylee Jade one of my closer friends since our 4th grade school year. Kylee had Butter Pecan brown hair that now had slight streaks of blonde to make it look more "summery" and it reached all the way down to her lower back. Her eyes where that of turquoise, and they had a slight feline shape to them. She was slightly smaller than

    • 1079 Words
    • 3 Pages
  • Narrative Essay About Soccer Game

    People say that you never know what you have until it is gone. That was a statement I always heard, but never understood what it really meant. It was the 10th minute of the second half of our last preseason soccer game. We were losing 3-0. My entire team was depending on me to be the difference that changed the game. I heard my coaches screaming at me to get the ball to my feet. My parents were yelling at me from the stands to work harder. My teammates were anxiously screaming my name over

    • 1314 Words
    • 3 Pages
  • Narrative Essay: The Dressers

    His breath oozed with airy alcohol. Eleven weeks, and she'd been doing well. But birthdays were hard. This kid in front of her wasn't even old enough to be drinking, but he was doing it. And she thought it was cute, the way he leaned on the support pillar in the musty basement, which made for a nice dance floor. He was refreshing. Quick with his words and slow with his ears, when it was his turn to listen. "Look, Amanda.. Amanda, right?" "Right.. What?" "How old do you think I am?"

    • 3233 Words
    • 7 Pages

Bismuth Creative Writing


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