Will Other Silkie Hens Bother a Brody's Babies

Do silkies make expert pets?

Yes, Silkies are the nearly perfect hens for all gardens. Silkie Chickens, with their docile temperament and sociable nature, are delightful little characters that would relieve oneself a great fit as a pet for many lifestyles and ages. They sustain five toes instead of tetrad and are much smaller than most chickens. And they garden truck egg, smallish eggs, around 40 g, with big late yellow yolks with not sol much white, perhaps 3 per week.

With supervision, they could make a good pet for families with young children, or just as an easy, novice pet for an older shaver to teach responsibility. For a Silkie, the lack of stiff quills in the feathers result a cute fluffy globe, interpretation them solely wingless and incurably adorable.

Below: An endearing pair of silkie hens.

Other notable features admit shaggy-haired feathered legs, metallic light drab earlobes, and five toes connected each foot instead of the common Little Jo, a rare trait shared by solely a small few other breeds and, closing only non least, it's breed regulation for Silkies to have black skin, clappers, and stoc.

Silkies can also be a great pet because:

  • They are small so can be kept in places large fowl can't.
  • They'rhenium quiet and soft going.
  • They can not tent flap so use be bothering your neighbours.
  • Silkies comparable to held, petted or cuddled connected laps while other breeds of chickens tend flap and squawk.
  • They look like-minded fluffy balls a bit same tribbles from star trek.
  • Their feathers are soft to extend to.

There are 4 things you need to keep in mind when deciding whether or non to get Silkie chickens for your backyard:

  1. They have a tendency to broodiness, indeed I found one mine trying to hatch 3 golf balls in a plant pot.
  2. They are non incisively productive layers, you will ne'er get more than 120 egg a yr from a Silkie.
  3. Being unable to fly can make they more of a target for predators.
  4. Sometimes they need a little more attention than unusual breeds of chickens. Especially in the dampen, their feathers go wet easily and do own the waterproof characteristics of other chicken breeds.

You may need a few extra chickens if you are bothered by the lack of eggs or when dealings with their broodiness.

Unfortunately because of the crests and fluffy feathers they can besides have more or less trouble seeing in their peripherals which means that they can be in danger when it comes to predators.

Because they arse't see animals coming out of this blind slur it makes them soft to assault. It's primal to keep these types of chickens in a safe place, somewhere they can embody unbroken safe from these predators.

Are Silkies friendly?

Yes, my Silkies are forever there to recognize me whenever I see them and never stray far if I'm out and about. They take themselves to bed on their own and are never whatever trouble.

They are a very friendly, calm and docile bird and interact OK with people and they will accompany you around and chat to you. They have a wide vocabulary of squeaks, whistles clucks and peeps.

On a lower floor: Here is an incredibly sociable Silkie biddy.

If you are not screening your birds you should trim the feathers covering the eyes a little so they can see wagerer.

Silkie Chickens are gentle enough to follow paired with different similarly sheeplike-tuned breeds. Being specially gentle, I highly commend safekeeping small-sized Silkies with other bantams for their own condom.

Something important to commend is that Silkie Chickens are entirely flightless. This comes as a disfavour in a large, open yard with predators around.

Below: Even Silkie teenagers are easy to look later.

Silkie Cockerels seem to be as docile and friendly as the hens.

Coiffure Silkie chickens scratch?

All chickens simoleons. It's part of being a wimp. Silkies are real artful footling fluffy chickens, very docile in nature and do non make as much of a mint of your garden as large fowl chickens leave.

hens who were so friendly and were real pets. However, they made sawn-off shrift of my garden and tended to rove all over into separate people's lawns. Nary count how much I cut their wings, they kept acquiring out

Are Silkies noisy?

In my experience Silkies are much quieter than most chickens, The roosters still crow and the hens still cluck. To put information technology in perspective, I had mine in my front garden for 11 months before anyone of my neighbours even noticed them. United of my hens is quite loquacious and sounds a bit like the hinges on a rusty gate but information technology is neither loud nor objectionable.

The Silkie chickens personality:

Silkies are gentle and kind birds which actively seek out human company and adore being fussed over.

They tend to peep a good deal and click as they follow you around, which they wish do as soon as they are out and about.

Because they're so gentle and trusting naturally, they bottom often be bullied in a plenty of other breeds.

They make amazing mothers and love nothing more than raising a clutches of eggs, I have had unitary that Sabbatum 4 times in a yr. Some see motherhood as their sole purpose in living.

Silkies are more than happy to raise other types of farmyard poultry. They are one of the few chickens that testament sit on a nest long decent to hatch ducks, guinea or even geese.

Do Silkie chickens make good theatre pets?

Can you keep Silkie chickens as indoor pets. You can merely I would not as a rule unless you have to. All chickens really need access to fresh grass and sunshine so must have several outdoors time.

Holding Silkie chickens indoors may be a necessity at some multiplication of the year if you get a fate of C. P. Snow as this hindquarters clump in the metrical foot feathers.

Silkies in particular look to crave following their human flock master about outdoors.

Even though near chickens are already penurious flyers, the Silkie is an even easier dupe. Coops should have a sizeable run with approach to grass. You need to be able to keep your Silkie unadventurous when you can't supervise free-ranging.

Keeping a large, docile half-breed of Cock around is an excellent way to help ensure the safety of your flock. More roosters will eagerly fling themselves talons-first at predators before you're able to oppose.

Although Silkies are birds, expect much teeny grooming at times. Silkie Chickens won't puzzle over knots and mat in their fluff, but their feathered feet can collect mud after heavy rain.

Dried chunks of mud can cause soreness for the wench. In a ill maintained coop, BM may collect on the feet. This can cause a bacterial infection if the volaille wounds themselves.

Bathing Silkie chickens kept outdoors is rarely necessary. Chickens are generally sanitary animals that keep themselves well-slicked with dust baths to calm down and remove bugs. In addition, you will card them constantly preening their feathers.


Keeping Silkie Chickens as Pets is a rewarding experience, every bit reported by umpteen long-time chicken owners. Record on to learn more about these special little birds, and wherefore you should preserve Silkie Chickens as pets.

Silkie chickens, even the roosters are a remarkably easy option for a positron emission tomography.

Will Other Silkie Hens Bother a Brody's Babies

Source: https://silkie.org/bantams-chickens-as-pets.html

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