what should athletes do to improve their concentration?

4 Mental Tools to Manage Focus on the Playing Field

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4 Mental Tools to Manage Focus on the Playing Field
Photo credit to The Columbian

Athletes are constantly working on finding new ways to improve focus during do and competiton. Learning how to increase focus and concentration is a vital office of an athlete's preparation routine. Managing to proverbially "Go on your head in the game" can mean the divergence between winning and losing a competition. If an athlete is completely committed to her goals on the playing field and manages to keep her attending on indicate, she is more likely to react quicker and more efficiently to outside stimuli during games.
At that place are many sports psychologists that have found ways of increasing the natural mental energy and concentration that athletes have. These useful methods and techniques can help supplement the focus and determination that an athlete has when entering a competitive sports event. Increased concentration and mental stamina tin can help athletes call back winning strategies on the spot and put them into action.
runners during race

Best Ways to Increment Focus

When reading nigh how to increase focus, it'south important to effort unlike exercises and to reinforce the ones that work best for your detail case. Information technology'south also important to call up that it can have a while before the effects of mental subject field and concentration exercises tin can be felt. You should be patient with yourself when integrating a new mental focus technique into your preparation routine. It will have a bit of time to accommodate to the practice and to experience the benign results, but information technology will be worth the effort.


Visualization is a very useful style to increase focus, and it is a pull a fast one on that athletes have been using for quite some time. Athletes train themselves by visualizing several situations that could take identify during a game. They repeatedly run through these possible scenarios and rehearse the reactions that they would ideally have during each state of affairs. By doing so, they will condition their minds to reply to these situations in an constructive manner when faced with them in real life.
The purpose of visualization is to solidify the retentivity of the procedure and the process that should exist performed. Visualizing a favorable upshot is not the most effective way to utilize this mental exercise. Athletes should focus on mentally visualizing themselves performing the motions, techniques, and strategies to remember them better. This helps them promptly echo these movements when faced with the real-life situations they had rehearsed.
Imagining that y'all are winning a competition will not actively help you ameliorate the speed of your reflexes. Positive thinking is beneficial for keeping your spirits upwardly, but visualization is meant to help you improve your reactions and efficacy. It is all-time to concentrate on the processes that yous need to complete rather than on a favorable issue in this case.


This mental practise has become increasingly popular among sport psychology professionals. Breathing meditation tin can assistance increase focus and concentration if it is integrated into an athlete'south daily routine. Information technology is recommended that athletes have a xv to 30-minute breathing meditation session each day to help boost their concentration during sports competitions.
Athletes can apply this meditation to achieve a highly focused land of attending when concentrating on performing a task. They require large amounts of energy during performances, so they need to fix themselves mentally before pushing their bodies to the limit. Breathing meditation techniques can help them reach that mental state hands when faced with a existent-life situation that requires increased concentration.
Meditation is used to train the mind. It helps athletes keep their minds focused and relaxed then that they can respond better in high-force per unit area situations such as sports competitions and games. It is also used to help athletes tune out distractions during competitions and grooming sessions. Breathing meditation is an excellent way to railroad train your mind to focus all of its energy and attention on one single goal, purpose, or object.
woman lifting weights, striving to increase focus

Instructional Self-Talk

Positive affirmations and motivational mantras can aid athletes go on their spirits upwards during competitions. The benign outcome of positive thinking and reinforcement has been discussed at length past professionals, and many medical studies have proven that it tin can help meliorate able-bodied operation during high-pressure situations such as intense preparation sessions and competitions.
Instructional cocky-talk was constitute to exist a very successful fashion of self-training. Athletes repeating instructions and indications to themselves showed progress in learning and musculus control abilities. The technique helps athletes acuminate their skills and improve their cocky-awareness and cocky-control. It also aids in assimilating new information and integrating new methods into do and training sessions.
Cocky-talk can too assistance athletes keep their spirits up during intense situations such as competitions or conditioning and conditioning sessions. Repeating positive affirmations to yourself during intense physical effort can assistance keep you pushing your limits. You tin encourage yourself to maintain your footstep or to extend the amount of time spent working out by keeping your attitude positive. Existence in a relaxed and motivated mental state during competitions or games volition go yous to push yourself harder and strive to perform better each fourth dimension.

Changing Perspective

Changing your point of view or your perspective when analyzing a situation enables you lot to take a more than complex understanding of that situation. Looking at a state of affairs from a unlike perspective teaches athletes to come across their failures as productive experiences that they tin harness to perfect their skills. Looking at every experience as a learning opportunity helps athletes have a positive mental attitude despite the occasional failure.
When y'all challenge yourself to change your perspective on a certain issue you lot force yourself to search for other aspects of that consequence rather than those you see at offset glance. This helps yous switch focus from the discouragement experienced because of defeat. It helps you refocus on the steps y'all took during a competition and on improving your strategy for the side by side competition instead of dwelling on your previous shortcomings. Non only is information technology mentally and emotionally audio to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude afterward going through a loss, but it can as well help you refocus more easily and get back in the game.
Motion picture Sources: 1, 2.

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Source: https://sportsandthemind.com/increase-focus-tricks/

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